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2.成都旅游景点中英文介绍 一篇关于成都旅游的英文介绍

3.豫园 中英文简介 拜托,急用!

4.贵州旅游景点案例介绍英语 介绍贵州景点的英语作文带翻译



       Tiger Hill is renowned as the "Number One Scenery of the Kingdom of Wu." The hill is 36 meters in height and covers an area of about 14,100 square meters. A number of historic attractions, including some dating back 2,500 years, as old as the city of Suzhou, are located on the hill.

       Throughout history, many famous writers, poets, and celebrities have let flow their unreserved praise of Tiger Hill. A famous Song Dynasty poet, Su Dongpo once said, "It is a lifelong pity to have gone to Suzhou without a visit to Tiger Hill." People traditionally described Tiger Hill as illustrated in "Nine Scenes", namely, that Tiger Hill is best viewed "under the Moon, in the Snow, in the Rain, in the Mist, in Midsummer, in Refreshing Autumn, in a Spring Morning, in a late Autumn Day with Fallen Leaves, and at Sunset."


成都旅游景点中英文介绍 一篇关于成都旅游的英文介绍


       Osaka Castle Park

       Japan's three major cities of Osaka Castle, the first park, cherry blossoms around the city of Gilbert, about 4000 of the cherry. Osaka City has more than 400 years of history, high eight, the maximum level set is expected to Taiwan, you can view panoramic view of Osaka. Osaka City is unparalleled by numerous large stones from the composition. People with a heavy sense of dignity.Park green everywhere, very lush cherry trees is a good place for leisure walks.

       Have been around in Japan, Yokohama's Chinatown Chinese New Year is really great fun. Where you can experience the traditional Chinese beside can enjoy traditional Chinese dishes ... ...

       日本又哪些景点 (中英文互译的)

























       1. 富士山 Mount Fuji

       Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people.

       Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.

       The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo.

       Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours.

       If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort.

       Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes...


       3.大阪 Osaka




       深谙美食真谛的北海道人并没有因为高贵的海鲜而冷落了平民化的拉面。在北海道,各地拉面的风味不尽相同,其中,札幌的味噌(酱汤)口味拉面、旭川的酱油口味拉面和函馆的盐味拉面是北海道拉面的代表。尽管口味不同,但是面滑、汤鲜和配料量足却是北海道拉面的共通之处。如果你是一个拉面爱好者,那么“拉面王国”札幌是你不能错过的地方,在这里,你能够将北海道所有风味的拉面“一网打尽”。Deep knowledge of food essence of Hokkaido have not left out the populace because of noble seafood ramen. Hokkaido ramen flavors vary, Sapporo miso (miso soup) flavor ramen ramen and Hakodate, Asahikawa sauce taste of salt ramen are representative of Hokkaido ramen. Even though tastes different, surface slip, soup of fresh ingredients and foot is Hokkaido Ramen in common. If you're a ramen enthusiast, "Kingdom of the hand-pulled noodles" Sapporo: you can't miss the place, here, you can also do all of Northern sea lanes flavored Ramen "clean sweep".

       札幌的拉面以汤浓、面大碗著称。这点其实不难理解,天寒地冻的北国,大碗满埂又香又浓的汤面,才能让人有饱足感。日本拉面3种基本口味的其中一种——味噌拉面,也是起源于札幌的。基本上来说,正统的札幌味噌拉面,味噌是要用新泻出产的;而拉面中最重要的汤头,尽管用的是绞肉,口感上绝对不能比整片肉片来的差。Sapporo Ramen is famous for its soup thick, wide Bowl. It is not difficult to understand, very cold north, Ridge was sweet and thick noodles in bowl full, to make full sense. Japan one of the hand-pulled noodles of the 3 basic tastes-the miso ramen, also originated in Sapporo. Basically, Orthodox Sapporo miso ramen, miso is to use Niigata produces, and hand-pulled noodles of the most important in tangtou, although with Grounded Meat and taste absolutely not worse than whole pork.

       北海道因为夏季温度低,适合乳牛生长,因此其乳制品受到日本人的欢迎。无论是冰激凌还是鲜奶,用蜡笔小新的话说:“好浓的北海道味道!”北海道是世界上白巧克力的发源地,所以包装精美的“白色恋人”白巧克力、软巧克力在北海道的纪念品店中处处可见。Because low summer temperatures, Hokkaido, for dairy cows, dairy was welcomed by the Japanese. Whether it is ice cream or milk, with Crayon Shin Chan: "good strong taste of Hokkaido! "Hokkaido is the home of white chocolate in the world, so the package" white lovers "white chocolate, soft chocolate in Hokkaido in souvenir shops everywhere.

       请用英文翻译日本的旅游景点: 二条城、皇居外苑(二重桥)心斋桥 歌舞伎町(一番街),要正宗的!

       二条城 Nijo Castle

       皇居外苑 Kokyogaien

       二重桥 Nijubashi Bridge

       心_桥 Shinsaibashi

       歌舞伎町(一番街) Kabukicho(First Avenue)

       日本景区英语 最好旅游景点

       富士山 fujisan

       _井_ karuizawa



       八景岛 hakkeijima

       金阁寺 kinkakuji

       银阁寺 ginkakuji

       清水寺 kiyomizutera



       北海道 hokkaidou


豫园 中英文简介 拜托,急用!


       My hometown -- - chengdu, now famous and well-known open economies. Her neat graceful, developed economy, abundant, make a person yearning. Her long history, culture, mahoganypanelled splendour, keep the culture is one sacred mecca. Hometown mount qingcheng, is reluctant to leave. It is a picturesque, smoke fluctuates, is not only the best place for full qingcheng mountain scenery, and it is a rich Chinese traditional culture connotation mountains. Standing in the peak, panoramic view of infinite scene. Home not only full of lakes and mountains, and be permeated with the natural beauty of the modern breath. Chengdu ground, high-tech development zone industrial city, commercial city ZhuangZhuang with villa. The east street, with both sides ZhiBi buildings arranged, the great and providence high fields momentum. Building wind to you, flage ostentatious display of the contemporary chengdu vigor. Walking in the street, like flies, pedestrian traffic flow, a wide range of commodities make you dazzling, the eyes are not only flaw answered. Listen! School work every day, somehow ShuSheng country produced much talent!


       ·川剧 Sichuan Opera

       ·成都大熊猫生态公园 Chengdu Giant Panda Ecological Park

       ·成都和陵 Chengdu and Mausoleum

       ·成都昭觉寺 Chengdu Zhao Juesi

       ·成都永陵博物馆 Chengdu Yongling Museum

       ·成都凤凰山 Chengdu Phoenix Mountains

       ·成都文殊院 Chengdu Wenshu Yuan

       ·成都百花潭公园 Chengdu Baihua Tan Park

       ·成都文化公园Chengdu Cultural Park

       ·成都白水河国家级自然保护区 Chengdu Baishui He National Nature Reserve

       ·成都烟霞湖 Chengdu haze Lake

       ·成都朝阳湖Chengdu Chaoyang Lake

       ·成都野生世界Chengdu wild world

       ·成都青羊宫Chengdu Qingyang Gong

       ·成都云顶山 Chengdu Genting Hill

       ·成都杜甫草堂 Chengdu, Du Fu Thatched Cottage

       ·成都鸡冠山Chengdu Ji Guanshan

       ·成都九龙沟 Chengdu Jiulong Gou

       ·川西宝镜—白塔湖 Western Sichuan Baojing - Baita Lake

       ·成都天台山 Chengdu Tiantai Mountain

       ·白鹤山 Pak Hok Shan

       ·青城山 Qingcheng Mountain

       ·都江堰 Dujiangyan

       ·成都锦里古街Chengdu Jin, Heritage Streets

       ·成都武侯祠博物馆 Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum

       ·金沙遗址 Jinsha

       ·龙池国家森林公园 Longchi National Forest Park

       ·望江楼Wangjiang Floor



       1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan cave):


       2、九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):


       3、剑门关(Jianmen Pass Beauty Spot):


       4、乐山大佛(Leshan Giant Buddha):


       5、峨眉山(Mount Emei):



       Chengdu Wu Houci began in AD 223 when building LiuBeiHui tombs, the premier of "han". Later sacrifices zhuge liang Wu Houci merges into the premier of the han. Is China's only a manner or si temple ruins and the most famous three kingdoms museum. Chengdu Wu Houci domestic numerous Wu Houci is only the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, commemorate zhuge liang is the most famous places of interest. Commemorate zhuge liang Wu Houci except chengdu Wu Houci and shaanxi MianXian Wu Houci, nanyang Wu Houci, xiangfan ancient longzhong Wu Houci, fengjie chongqing Wu Houci, yunnan baoshan Wu Houci and gansu li county QiShan Wu Houci, etc

       In China five thousand years of civilization, in The Three Kingdoms period is very short but very wonderful period, from the yellow turban insurrectionary peasant uprising of the eastern han dynasty to the three belong to jin (184-280 AD), before and after nearly one hundred years.

       Is named in The Three Kingdoms period, when the shenzhou exist three local authority on the earth, and the three regimes were cao cao and his sons cao wei founded _, occupy large tracts of land in the Yellow River, a capital of luoyang, sun quan wu, occupy the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, its capital in nanjing, liu bei of shu, occupying the sichuan, yunnan, guizhou and other places, its capital chengdu.

       "Whole FenJiuBiGe, close long will points", in ancient China had appeared several times in the history of the great schism, upheaval, then return to unity, The Three Kingdoms period, but also a.

       In The Three Kingdoms tripartite confrontation, warlords regime of s, sichuan used to be the independent regime in the shu han regime. Although is located in the southwest of sichuan, and weak, but liu bei, zhuge liang, a large number of guan yu, zhang fei ZhongLiang, to han unify the whole country, they fight dongwu, helped the south yi, on the northern expedition, heroic efforts, so as to deduce the site of some of the tragic history, left a lot of epic story. Let's descendants would like. So, people began to trim temple built the temple, or retained the ancient battlefield. Thus constitutes the numerous scenic spots and historical sites in The Three Kingdoms history. Today we are going to visit Wu Houci, is numerous prestigious a historic site in the three places of historic interest.

       Wu Houci commemorates three kingdoms of shu zhuge liang of the ancestral temple, zhuge liang was blocked for Wu Xiang hou, after the death of banned for cheating, your respectful name he is later generations.

       Wu Houci is located in the south of chengdu Wu Houci street, temple sits. Wu Houci founded in when, have no information can be got, but from du fu's poem "shu" in the description "where prime minister ancestral temple, jin officer BaiSenSen outside" to infer, as early as the tang dynasty had built Wu Houci. In tang and song period here have Wu Houci respectively and liu bei temple, the early years of the Ming dynasty, temple into a single, at the end of Ming dynasty, temple was destroyed by the war. Today see Wu Houci is at the time of the eleventh year of emperor kangxi in the qing dynasty, built on the site. Covering an area of 37000 square meters. Is a national key cultural relics protection units.

       The gate:

       Hung at the gate of the premier of "han" HengBian, han is liu bei's regime, history known as the shu han, because liu bei is han, and later its capital in chengdu shudu. So the name shu han regime. Zhao is liu bei died writings.finally, number is after death the posterity of the deeds of his life after the evaluation to give appraisement, zhao is, of course, liu bei's call. Plaques, here is the temple of chronicle of liu bei, if so, then why do people call them Wu Houci again? Look from content in Wu Houci temple of liu bei, liu bei's grave than ZhuGeLiangDian in proportion of big, seems like it should call this liu2 bei4 temple, from layout point of view, Chinese traditional is main in the chronicle of temple. While the Wu Houci LiuBeiDian are before zhuge temple in the high. So from this perspective, there seems to be and should be called Wu Houci, but these are not the most fundamental reason, the most fundamental reason is what? Early years of the republic of China has a poet wrote a poem called turmoil out one of the reasons: the premier of big book MenE, all Wu Houci, origin place lose meritorious service and great achievement, the prime minister work high one hundred generations. That is to say, because zhuge liang's historical achievement, his prestige even more than in the people heart the liu bei, so people will disregard the feudal era monarch and minister of etiquette and the temple was the name of, and called the premier of han wu hou shrine.

       The floor plan:

       On the left side of the gate have a Wu Houci floor plan, you can see the house sit north to south, the main building is he on a central axis, there are gate, second, LiuBeiDian, lobby, ZhuGeLiangDian five heavy construction, on the west side is liu bei's grave. Clay sculpture on display all kinds of characters like in gym, and inscriptions, inscriptions, Zhong Gu, exactly is a shu han history museum here. Today we're visiting route is the west side of the five heavy construction and tomb of liu bei, visit time before and after an hour or so.

       Tang tablet:

       We can see now is the famous monuments, quiet. The tablet connects tall 367 cm, 95 cm wide, carved built in Tang Xianzong and four years (AD 809), monuments, formerly known as "shu prime minister zhuge Wu Houci hall tablet", the famous prime minister of the tang dynasty, wrote the Fijian degrees, calligrapher liu male la (chuo), list LuJian engrave (Juan), because the article, calligraphy, are from famous engraved, and was hailed as the world quiet "tablet".

       That a friend may ask, what is this monument special background? We will let the time go back to 1200 years ago. When Wu Yuanheng as bo give our time, equivalent to today's military commander, he is a very the person of one's self, before into shu hong chuan, we know that sichuan is more difficult than governing. As known as a word - "the world is not disorderly shu, first world hong shu, which have not been treated". Plus six hundred years ago and that zhuge liang in the administration, Wu Yuanheng wants to impress the ZhengSheng, natural need to hard work, he shu in AD 807, in a very low-key attitude adopted many effective measures. ZhengSheng after two years, in the elegant and the opposition, let he can feel himself ZhuGeWuHou. Then, until in 809 AD, led the military commander came to Wu Houci 28 people, determined to monuments dedicated for their achievements over the past two years. In this batch of his entourage, there is a very important, who is that? He is the clerk - Wu Yuanheng PeiDu, equivalent to the secretary-general of the provincial now. PeiDu know Wu Yuanheng idea, combine

贵州旅游景点案例介绍英语 介绍贵州景点的英语作文带翻译

       Yu Garden

       Yu Garden is a famous garden of classical style in the south of the Yangtze River. Initially built under the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty and up to now it has a history of over 500 years. In 1853, when the Small Sword Society rose in uprising in response to the Taiping Heavenly Revolution the Spring Hall in the Yu Garden was used as its headquarters.

       Yu Garden is a key cultural unit under the state protection. The major scenic attractions in the Yu Garden include the Mountain and Forest in City, Pretty Woods and Elegant Dale, Charming Spots by the Spring Hall, Eye-catching Scenes of Water and Rockeries, Great Happiness in the Middle and Garden within the Garden (inner garden) as well.




       英语作文介绍家乡贵州铜仁,最好和梵净山、锦江有关。 急。

       Fanjingshan Mountains.

       Located at the juncture of Jiangkou, Songtao and Yinjiang counties, the state-rank Natural Conservation of the Fanjingshan Mountains covers an area of 567 square kilometres and is one of the typical regions in China where the subtropical forest ecosystem is completely preserved.

       As early as in the 16th century, Mount Fanjingshan already became a Buddhistic shrine well-known nationwide.

       In this region the green peaks rise upon ridges and the gullies and valleys are deep and serene with some cliffside waterfalls plunging down among the grotesque stones.

       A plenty of templeand stele remains are dotted over landscape. Within this virgin forest of about 300 square kilometres grow the dove trees, the Chinese tulip trees, the crape myrtle and other rare plants and dwell the golden monkey of Guizhou and other rare birds and animals.

       On reaching the Golden Summit, the highest peak of Fanjingshan Mountains range, the tourists will enjoy a sea of cloud with turbulent wav.










       织金洞原名“打鸡洞”、“乾宏洞”、“织金天宫”,位于贵州织金县城东北面二十三公里织金洞公园正门官寨乡东街口。1980年4月,织金县人民政府组织的旅游资源勘察队发现此洞。织金洞囊括了当今世界溶洞中的各种沉积形态,它既是一座地下艺术宝库,又是一座岩溶博物馆,堪称“世界奇观”。 织金洞是我国著名的喀斯特风景名胜区,中国旅游胜地40佳之一。1988年国务院审定公布的第二批国家级重点风景名胜区,与红枫湖、龙宫、黄果树大瀑布三个国家级风景区共同形成旅游黄金环线。






       青岩古镇,位于贵阳市南郊,距市区约29公里。它是贵州四大古镇之一,一座建于600年前的军事古镇 。古镇内设计精巧、工艺精湛的明清古建筑交错密布,寺庙、楼阁画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相间。悠悠古韵,被誉为中国最具魅力小镇之一。



       叶杜鹃、皱皮杜鹃、锈叶杜鹃、问客杜鹃、腺_马银花、多花杜鹃、映山红、锦绣杜鹃、贵定杜鹃、暗绿杜鹃、映山红变种、落叶杜鹃、水红杜鹃、百合杜鹃、多头杜鹃41个品种,占世界5个亚属中的4 个,花色多样,有鲜红、粉红、紫色、金黄、淡黄、雪白、淡白、淡绿等。最为难得的是一树不同花,即一棵树上开出不同颜色的花朵,最多的达7 种之多被誉为“世界上最大的天然花园”。有“世界级的国宝精品”之美称。






       红枫湖是国家AAAA级风景名胜区,位于贵州清镇、平坝县境内,距安顺77千米、贵阳33千米。红枫湖是岛屿最多的高原岩溶湖泊, 湖中有岛屿100多个,以岩溶地貌和湖光山色为特色,是国家级风景名胜区,被誉为贵州腹地的一颗明珠。红枫湖始建于1958年,当时挖水库修电站。湖边有座红枫岭,岭上及湖周多枫香树。深秋时节,枫叶红似火,红叶碧波,风景优美,故名“红枫湖”。

       还有很多 你可以看下


       y bedroom is very clean and beautiful.

       Bedroom placed a big bookcase and a high chest, and a piece of bed. I have read the book neatly on the shelf, I put the toys in the toy box, my best picture is me against the wall. You look neat and tidy!

       My bedroom is blue, with blue curtains, blue bed, blue table and a drawer, the most interesting is the blue wardrobe door on soldiers, horses, Shi and other chess pieces.





       谁能用英语介绍下贵州,包括location 特产,景点 历史等等

       Guizhou Province, referred to as "Qian" and "expensive" is a beautiful mountains and rivers, climate, resource rich nation a large number of inland mountainous province.

       Its name comes from the mountain with your name.

       Tang Guizhou Road; Song is Interpreting Road; yuan is Huguang province; next home Guizhou toast,

       Is named for the start of Guizhou, Guizhou, administrative commissioner's office after the home; clear change in Guizhou Province, the provincial name has not changed. 贵州省简称“黔”和“贵”,是一个山川秀丽、气候宜人、资源富集、民族众多的内陆山区省。



       是为贵州得名的开始,后置贵州布政使司;清改贵州省,省名至今未变。Guizhou is located in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, between east longitude 103 ° 36 '~ 109 ° 35', latitude 24 ° 37 '~ 29 ° 13' between the east by Hunan, Guangxi, south, west adjoin Yunnan, north Sichuan and Chongqing, something about 595 km north-south distance of about 509 km. The province's total land area of 176,167 square kilometers, accounting for 1.8% of the total area.

       Guizhou Plateau in western China landforms are mountains, in the terrain from west to east, from the central north, east, south and tilted on three sides, with an average altitude of 1100 meters. Mostly mountainous Guizhou Plateau, known as "Eight mountains of water a sub-field" theory. The province's landscape can be broadly divided into: Plateau mountains, hills and basins are three basic types, of which 92.5% of the area is mountains and hills. Mountains in large, heavy mountain ranges overlapping peaks, rolling horizon, a high mountain a deep valley. Big Lou northern mountains, from west to northeast slope consistent throughout the north, Sichuan-Guizhou strategic pass Loushanguan 1444 meters high; south-central Miaoling span, 2178 meters high mountain peak leigong; northeastern border with Wuling Mountain by the winds into the Hunan Guizhou, the main peak Fanjingshan 2572 meters high; the western high-rise wumeng shan, belong to this mountain village Hezhang County Pearl City, 2900.6 meters above sea level chives ping, the highest point in Guizhou. The Qiandongnan of Liping County Tsubosato River outlet at a provincial boundary, elevation of 147.8 meters, the lowest point for the territory. Guizhou karst landforms are very typical. Karst (exposed) area of 109,084 square kilometers, accounting for 61.9% of the province's total land area, the distribution of karst in a wide range of morphological types is complete, the geographical distribution of clearly constitutes a special kind of karst ecosystem. 贵州地处云贵高原,介于东经103°36′~109°35′、北纬24°37′~29°13′之间,东靠湖南,南邻广西,西毗云南,北连四川和重庆,东西长约595千米,南北相距约509千米。全省土地总面积176167平方千米,占全国总面积的1.8%。

       贵州地貌属于中国西部高原山地,境内地势西高东低,自中部向北、东、南三面倾斜,平均海拔在1100米左右。贵州高原山地居多,素有“八山一水一分田”之说。全省地貌可概括分为:高原山地、丘陵和盆地三种基本类型,其中92.5%的面积为山地和丘陵。境内山脉众多,重峦叠峰,绵延纵横,山高谷深。北部有大娄山,自西向东北斜贯北境,川黔要隘娄山关高 1444米;中南部苗岭横亘,主峰雷公山高2178米;东北境有武陵山,由湘蜿蜒入黔,主峰梵净山高2572米;西部高耸乌蒙山,属此山脉的赫章县珠市乡韭菜坪海拔2900.6米,为贵州境 内最高点。而黔东南州的黎平县地坪乡水口河出省界处,海拔为147.8米,为境内最低点。贵州岩溶地貌发育非常典型。喀斯特(出露)面积109084平方千米,占全省国土总面积的61.9 %,境内岩溶分布范围广泛,形态类型齐全,地域分布明显,构成一种特殊的岩溶生态系统 。Guizhou's climate is warm and humid, subtropical humid monsoon climate. Temperature changes little, cool and pleasant weather. In particular, be liable to a unique climate. In 2002, the provincial capital Guiyang city, the average annual temperature is 14.8 ℃, compared with last year increased 0.3 ℃. From the provincial perspective, usually the coldest month (January) average temperature over the 3 ℃ ~ 6 ℃, higher than in other parts of the same latitude; the hottest month (July) mean temperature is generally 22 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, the typical summer cool area. Precipitation are more significant during the rainy season, cloudy much less sunshine. In 2002, nine states in the host city of cities, precipitation is at most Xingyi City, 1,480 millimeters; at least the Bijie City of 687.9 millimeters. Affected by the monsoon rainfall are more concentrated in the summer. Generally cloudy days throughout the territory of more than 150 days, annual relative humidity above 70%. Affected by the impacts of atmospheric circulation and topography, climate in Guizhou was diversity, "mountain the season, ten-mile different days." In addition, climate instability, more types of severe weather, drought, autumn, Ling cold, the frequency of large hail, etc., to cause serious harm to agricultural production. 贵州的气候温暖湿润,属亚热带湿润季风气候。气温变化小,冬暖夏凉,气候宜人。特别是气候独特的可处。2002 年,省会贵阳市年平均气温为14.8℃,比上年提高0.3℃。从全省看,通常最冷月(1月)平均 气温多在3℃~6℃,比同纬度其他地区高;最热月(7月)平均气温一般是22℃~25℃,为典型夏凉地区。降水较多,雨季明显,阴天多,日照少。2002年,9个市州地所在城市中,降水量最多是兴义市,为1480毫米;最少的是毕节市,为687.9毫米。受季风影响降水多集中于夏季。境内各地阴天日数一般超过150天,常年相对湿度在70%以上。受大气环流及地形等影响,贵州气候呈多样性,“一山分四季,十里不同天”。另外,气候不稳定,灾害性天气种类较多,干旱、秋风、凌冻、冰雹等频度大,对农业生产危害严重。Guizhou soil a total area of 159.1 thousand square kilometers, accounting for 90.4% of the province's land area, the soil is a zone of red soil in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest - yellow soil zone. Large areas of central and eastern part of the moist evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by yellow; southwest of partial dry evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by red soil; the nor
