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佚名 2024-06-14 人已围观











       It's ?fine today. We decided to have a tour the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, ?and so on. But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.

       What an unforgettable picnic it was!


       Last summer holiday,I went on a packet tour to beijing with my parents.We went there by plane.We went sightseeing by tour bus in the city.We also visted many place of historical interest.We visted the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,Tianan Square and so on.The weather there was nice.And the people there were friendly,

       too.I like Beijing.We had a good time.

        3 ?Holiday is coming .I'm going to visit Sichuan on vacation.The weather is great there!Sichaun have some pandas.So I will go ?to the zoo.I know that the zoo have two pandas.They are black and write.They are very cute.And they are a little heavy.I love them.I will be very happy 。I will find the people taking photos about the pandas,too.

        So I decided to take photos for the pandas,too.I will have fun taking photos.And I will have Sichaun specials for dinner.They must be delicious.





       This month, I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends, which is supposed to be a seven-day trip. We will set out on 10th, June.?

       Now, we have prepared many things, snacks and medicines included. Firstly, we will go to Changsha by plane. The tickets are cheap, so it’s a good choice to save time.?


       We will stay there for two days. The main goal staying there is to enjoy the delicious food in Changsha. My friend has prepared a map of must-tries and I believe they must be good. Then we will go to Zhangjiajie by train. It’s not so far from Changsha, taking about five hours to get there.?


       Zhangjiajie is famous for its wonderful mountains. The sceneries there are amazing that no one should miss. But we will have a tough journey for climbing high mountains, which is not easy for us all.?

       This is why we will stay there for longer. In the end, we will go home by train. This is my plan for the journey. I am sure it will be a wonderful and fruitful journey.



       在10月3日的上午九点,我们出发了,大概行了7个小时的无聊路程,终于到达了目的地——响沙湾。 In the October 3 at nine in the morning, we set out, probably did seven hours of boring journey, finally reached the destination, XiangShaWan. 当我们都买了门票,一切都安排妥当了之后,就乘着缆车来到大沙漠中我从未有见过沙漠,心情激动得不得了。 When we bought tickets, everything is in after that, coming to a cable car in the desert in I never have seen the desert, incredibly excited . 我们最先玩的是骑骆驼。 The first people we play is riding camels. 我们走进了一圈由篱笆围成的棚栏,进去后,各种各样的骆驼展现在我的眼前,琳琅满目,有白色的.淡橘色的等等,机灵的我赶紧挑了一只个头大的骆驼骑了上去,心中不免紧张兴奋,但是我外面还是表新出若无其事,好像我的胆子是最大的一样,之后等其他的人都坐好了,指导员就走了过来,让我们抓紧扶手,要让骆驼站起来了,歘的一下,骆驼就站起来了,真是好玩,之后工作人员就拉着骆驼队进了沙漠,绕了一圈就回来了,没多大意思,但我还是很兴奋,毕竟我从没骑过骆驼嘛! We walk into a circle by a fenced-off tent bar, entered, all kinds of camels show in front of my eyes, full of beautiful things in eyes, a white. Pale orange, and so on, clever I hurriedly picked the one a camel riding up, and his heart not nervous exciting, but I still watch the new outside as if nothing has occurredly, like my courage is the biggest, and other people after sit well, instructor will come, let us grasp armrest, to let the camels standing up, a 歘, camels stood up, it's a funny, after workers took camels into the desert, around a circle to be back, not much meaning, but I was very excited. After all, I've never ride camels! 骑完了骆驼后,我们就要玩一个更好玩的游戏了——滑沙。 Ride out the camels, we will play a better play of the game-slide on sand. 当时我们站在一个与地面呈45度角的沙丘上,滑沙就是坐在一个垫子上,顺着沙丘的沙子往下滑。 When we stood in a and the ground is the Angle of 45 sand dunes, slip of sand is sitting in a cushion, walked down the sand dunes slipping. 沙丘虽不太高,但是一个人坐在垫子上往下滑还是挺惊险的,正和我的口味,我就喜欢惊险刺激的游戏,自告奋勇地第一个去滑,指导员说了几句话时候的注意事项后,我就坐着木板滑下去了。 Although not sand dunes is too high, but a man sitting on a mat to slow down or pretty breathtaking, is talking with my taste, I like adventure game, saw the first to slide, instructor said a few words of time attention, I sat wooden slipped. 滑下去的过程中,真是感觉棒极了,无法用语言形容那种感觉了!!! The process of slipping, really feel great, can not use words to describe the feeling!!!!!!!!!! 太棒了!!! Great!!!!!!! 既要自己把握平衡,双手还插在沙子之中,免得向一旁歪倒,我一共玩了两次,真好玩啊。 Should not only oneself hold balance, both hands is still stuck in the sand, so that to one side slanting down, I totally play twice, really fun. 我们玩完这些的时候,天已经不早了,但我意犹未尽,还想玩玩沙漠里的跑跑卡丁车,大人们同意了。 We're done with these, it's getting late, but I boundless, still want to play in the desert do, adults agreed. 我精神抖擞地跑向一辆**单人小车,开了几圈。 I high spirit run to a yellow single car, drove a couple of laps. 这可真是快乐的一天啊,之后我们就坐车回家了,但我还得再说一句:太好玩了! This is a happy day ah, then we rode home, but I have to say a: so much fun!



       I went to Hainan on vacation

       Summer comes , and the weather has become irritating. My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant. We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. We also went to visit the monkey island. The monkeys were really cute to look at.

       After we came back from the travel, we found that our bodies have become stronger and healthier than before. My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.

       We really enjoyed this trip.We were very happy!

       夏日来临,天气变得惹人心烦. 我大姐建议去海南好好放松放松. 我想了一会,同意了.海南真是个好地方,棕榈树无处不在.






       Have you ever been to Beijing? One year ago, I went to Beijing with my parents.

       On the first day, we visited the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. And we took many photos there. We went to Tsinghua University on the second day. It is one of the best universities in China. The last day was my happiest day. We not only did some shopping on Wangfujing Street but also ate delicious Beijing Duck.

       What a wonderful trip! I will visit Beijing again someday in the future.






       Last summer vacation visited Xiamen with my parents. we went by train.

       Xiamen is a clean and modern city there were many tall buildings on both sides of the street. We visited Gu Lang Island the History Museum and Xiamen University. there were a lot of interesting things in the museum. We also went to the beach. We had great fun there we played beach volleyball and swam in the sea. We bought a lot of souvenirs.

       The people there are very friendly we decided to go there again.






       Last summer I went to Vietnam with my parents. We stayed in a small village outside Saigon. The air and water were very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. Though it's a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. They live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field during the day. They don't have TVs or the Internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. It was a very memorable trip that I will never forget.


