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简介景区的英文单词有哪些_景区的英文单词有哪些怎么读       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“景区的英文单词有哪些”的话题。如果你对这个话题还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为






4.英文介绍马鞍山的一个景点 80个单词左右 中文翻译也要



       我给你说中文, 然后自己在百度翻译:四川省成都市 景点 武侯祠 成都武侯祠,位于四川省成都市南门武侯祠大街,是中国惟一的君臣合祀祠庙,由刘备、诸葛亮蜀汉君臣合祀祠宇及惠陵组成。始建于公元223年修建刘备陵寝。千多年来几经毁损,屡有变迁。武侯祠(指诸葛亮的专祠)建于唐以前,初与祭祀刘备(汉昭烈帝)的昭烈庙相邻,明朝初年重建时将武侯祠并入了“汉昭烈庙”,形成现存武侯祠君臣合庙。现存祠庙的主体建筑1672年清朝 康熙年间(康熙十一年)重建。1961年公布为全国重点文物保护单位。年成立博物馆,2008年被评为首批国家一级博物馆,享有“三国圣地”之美誉。



       1.Wuhou Shrine

       Wuhou might be translated as "minister or war".That was the title given to ZhugeLiang, a famous military strategist of the tree Kingdoms period (AD220-280) immortalised in one of the classics of Chinese literature, the tale of the Three Kingdoms.the shrine situated in the southern suburb of Chengdu.the Romance of the Three Kingdoms carries out the stories about ZhugeLiang. Reading these stories even in English translation is a great enjoyment.


       The Ebian Black Bamboo Ditch locates in Ebian Autonomy County, with core spot 180 square kilometers, which is 100 kilometers away from Mt. Emei and 100 kilometers away from the Giant Buddha. In the scenic area, the force of the mountains is dangerous, the old tree are towering, the rare birds wing to wing, the wonderful flower struggles, the waterfall colorfully flies hangs, the cloud mist winds around, therefore the Black Bamboo Ditch has the name of China "Bermuda". In 1999, it was evaluated the national forest park. It is the community area for Yi Minority, the history glorious, culture bright, the national character and style plain multi- colors, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape merge into one organic whole, the traveling resources’ characteristic strong, the types various, the grade is high, all of which have the high development value.


       Now i will introduce a famous place in Nanjing,we call it the Rampart of Nanjing.it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our realize it is a big problem,so they try their best to protect it well.so until today we can still see the beautifui scenery.indeed,it is only a litter about our city,in the coming days,we can have a visit in the city.


       National scenic area, the triple-a level key units to be protected. Located in the west XianYangShi LiQuanXian phantasy in shaanxi province, the distance LiQuanXian 17 km. A display of the culture and history of the early Mosaic museum. In the 1970s, the country has started on zhaoling cemetery ground and more than 200 seats in the grave with 39 seats were excavated, collect level, and more than 4,000 relics in 1972 in zhaoling cemetery center XuMaoGong performance (lee) tomb built on zhaoling cultural relic management of zhaoling mausoleum, system of scientific research and protection. In 1978, the cultural relic management promotion zhaoling mausoleum for zhaoling museum, and officially open.


       QianLing China even in the world, is a unique two emperors, couples at double the emperor mausoleum. Buried inside the emperors of tang dynasty in Chinese history LiZhi emperor and only female emperor wu, is the national key units to be protected. In the last years, 23 years 684 to build.



       At 3,099 m (10,167 ft), Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China.[1] The patron bodhisattva of Emei is Samantabhadra, known in Chinese as Puxian (普贤菩萨). 16th and 17th century sources allude to the practice of martial arts in the monasteries of Mount Emei.made the earliest extant reference to the Shaolin Monastery as Chinese boxing's place of origin.

       A large surrounding area of countryside is geologically known as the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, a large igneous province generated by the Emeishan Traps volcanic eruptions during the Permian Period.Sunrise and Clouds sea

       Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea seen from the Golden Summit of the mountain.

       The sunrise is very varied, but optimally begins with the ground and sky being in the same dark purple, soon showing rosy clouds, followed by a bright purple arc and then a semicircle where the sun is coming up.The Clouds Sea includes several cloud phenomena, e.g. clouds appearing in the sky above, in addition to the regular clouds beneath.


       This is the location of the first Buddhist temple built in China in the 1st century CE.[4] The site has seventy-six Buddhist monasteries of the Ming and Qing period, most of them located near the mountain top. The monasteries demonstrate a flexible architectural style that adapts to the landscape. Some, such as the halls of Baoguosi, are built on terraces of varying levels, while others, including the structures of Leiyinsi, are on raised stilts. Here the fixed plans of Buddhist monasteries of earlier periods are modified or ignored in order to made full use of the natural scenery. The buildings of Qingyinge are laid out in an irregular plot on the narrow piece of land between the Black Dragon River and the White Dragon River. The site is large and the winding foot path is 50 km, taking several days to walk.Cable cars ease the ascent to the two temples at Jinding (3,077 m), an hour's hike from the mountain's peak.


       Visitors to Mount Emei will likely see dozens of monkeys who can often be viewed taking food from tourists. Local merchants sell nuts for tourists to feed the monkeys. Some monkeys may be seen eating human food such as potato chips and even drinking soda from discarded bottles. While most of the monkeys look healthy, other monkeys appear out of shape from apparently being fed human food that is not native to the monkey's natural habitat.

英文介绍马鞍山的一个景点 80个单词左右 中文翻译也要

       The GuiQing mountain presently is the national level forestpark, the national AAAA level traveling scenic area, the historycalled "the GuiQing fairyland", by the GuiQing mountain, the GuiQing canyon two scenic areas is composed, isnatural scenery scenery scenic spot area which Gansu Province issecond to none, is apart from the Changhsien seat36 kilometers. In the scenic area the group peak towers, differ inthousands of ways, ancient wooden towering, the boundless forest darkgreen was strongly fragrant, has collected many flies the waterfall and natural flow, was perching the many kinds of rare birds and beasts. In thearea has the tall bush 29 branches 99 kinds, the medicinal plant 500kinds, only Buddhist temple have the millennium ancient pine 200 Chinese acres.Has national protection animal 20 kinds and so on the leopard, blackbear.The GuiQing mountain has the GuiQing fairyland, thewestern beautiful scenery, breaks the gorge immortal bridge, thespirit crag ancient hole, Buddhist temple hangs the month, ancient temple bell, Wan Hesong Tao, washes the face the clear pond and so on eightscenery. The GuiQing canyon and the summit have ladder, thestone stack is connected. Entire canyon north and south long 8kilometers, thing width only 60 meters. Five kilometers GuiQing canyon, is just likeFive kilometers decorated corridors, in the canyon thehigh peak scattered about, the brook hundred booklets, the forestblocks out the sun, flies the waterfall to resemble practices, movesstep trades the scenery,and changes its aspect at every turn.

       望采纳Quarrying scenic area for the soul of a poet Li Bai, in "the magnificent landscape Lo Tsui a river" and the scenery as the carrier River locks, including Chui Luoshan purse mountain, Jiuhua and quarrying small town, small Huangzhou attractions including. Scenic areas within the Taibai building, four corner brackets flying curling, draw beam, having an antique flavour, and the Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower, Tengwang Pavilion and known as "the third floor of a court". Along the stone steps upward, a Lianbi table, burning rhinoceros Pavilion, three Yuan Dong, three Taiwan Pavilion, Li Bai cenotaph, like a string of pearl inlaid in the upper and lower Qian Chui Luoshan, colorful blooming, beautiful. Human beings and nature, and ye, where the full interpretation.采石风景区以诗人李白为灵魂,以"翠螺出大江"的壮丽景观和锁溪河风光为载体,含翠螺山、荷包山、小九华和采石镇、小黄洲在内的名胜。景区内的太白楼,四角飞翘,斗拱画梁,古色古香,与黄鹤楼、岳阳楼、腾王阁并称为“三楼一阁”。沿石级向上,有联璧台、燃犀亭、三元洞、三台阁、李白衣冠冢等,像一串串珍珠镶篏在翠螺山上下,五彩斑烂,美不胜收。人类和大自然的和谒,在这里得到充分的诠释。
